Like, the very simple
Like the look of astonishment when astonishedLike it when sure he would never hurt
Like it that when fail at being late for our favoriteThe stanza, that is only about Love without ever naming it, like
Couplets that describe each moment together, likeDrink lukewarm milk beverage from a leaf folded, like
Undisturbed when working at liberating them, poems and softness of touch, likeLife, yet
Liked -
LIKE is a beautiful poem by a very humane and compassionate individual……..
Those who despise Life and its values respond to it with their personal retarded opinion [francis anthony etc. ,their site]
fancis anthony, kindly find another method to propagandise your theology and commerciality- this site is for poetry and adequate response to the poem work.
francis anthony, kindly find another method to propagandise your theology and commerciality- this site is for poetry and adequate response to the poem work.
to, ken martyns, and site [REMOVE BY MODERATOR]
take your site propaganda off from reply section- the poem reply section is for adequate response without being abusive to people, women and poetry domains
- This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Poet's Art.
i hope ken martyns, anthony francis etc. via samurai and their stories blog will read this: :
That the women and men you have referred in your content would like what is good in life, share it with you and that there would be a more concerned method of bringing peace to all your lives
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