Poetry makes me special

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  • Poetry makes me special

    • The curtain pulls up on stage for me to recite
      a poem of inspiration to share the light
      to keep my audience mesmerized by each verse
      I go into the deepness of silence like a bubble burst

      to transform tears of sorrow into nectar for the soul
      the broken pieces hidden within I bring to the world
      with inspiration I surrender my crown to be alone
      for the castle I dream of is not built with mortar and stone

      I choose to be free like a bird flying in the sky
      to rule over the flowers whose beauty will wither and die
      for a moment to remove all the darkness and pain
      from those who seek the treasure of wisdom sane

      everything before my eyes comes without any mistake
      the challenge is mine to accept the truth and not to forsake
      in exchange for my talent I extend my hand to the blind
      that they may recognize the pearls of light they want to find

      sookdeo manansingh
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